
Monday, December 23, 2013

10 Christmas Traditions that I Don't Do and Refuse to Feel Guilty Over

Well, it's the time of year when all the social media posts and Christmas letters can make us moms feel less than adequate and maybe behind the game.  So, I've compiled a list of things I honestly don't do (and why) to sort of help off-set any Non-Perfect-Christmas Guilt you may be suffering from.... I'm NOT alone, am I??

1) Visiting Santa

There's enough available conflict without trying to explain to my husband why I dropped $40 dollars on a photo with a scary old man holding our children.

2) Christmas Cards. 

  Okay, I used to do this one, and spent many a stressed out Christmas season over it. It did make some sense back in our Military days. Now I just lay it all out on Facebook a status at a time so you already know everything. EVERYTHING.                                                      

3) Christmas Photos.

I used to do this one too and would completely stress out over everything from the outfits,the background, who would take our picture, to getting into and out of Costco to pick them up.  And then there were the years when not all the kids would cooperate and we had to photo shop non-crying heads on. We have a particularly horrifying one of "baby Summer" who looks like a doll with her head screwed on backwards.  I still cringe.  And there's "angry Reagan" who was experiencing resentment at brand new baby Jason.   But once again, the power of social media has saved us from this torture.   There is the downside of less record of family cuteness.  And as you all grow older that proof becomes more valuable.

4) The Christmas Pickle.

 I could actually go either way on The Pickle.

5) Baking for Neighbors.

This one KILLS me!!  I would LOVE to bake for the neighbors....if Christmas were on the 31st.

6) Eggnog.

I'm Baptist.  (I claim that to get out of lots of things that make me gag.)

7) Ugly Sweater Parties.

I guess the reason is because I've never really been invited to one--probably because of #6.

8) Elf on the Shelf.

I will answer this one with a question:  Why WOULD I???  I just don't get it!  Actually, I do--that's why I don't!  If my kids won't behave without me driving myself insane, then lock me up now!

9) Christmas Cookies and Gingerbread Houses

They just don't taste good enough to invest that kind of time and effort, in my opinion.  BUT, just so you know that I DO love my children and it's not ALL about me, I do BUY sugar cookie dough and ready-to-assemble gingerbread houses....for the children's sake.  (But never both in the same year.)

10) Christmas Crafts/ Homemade Gifts

I'm not crafty the other 11 months of the year, why would I start now!?

Bonus~ Clean House

I admit it.  I don't clean my house for Christmas.  I have tried.  I have TRIED.  But I just can't succeed in anything but frustration and guilt.  My room is a pile of Christmas wrap and ribbons and countless scraps on the floor.  The bathrooms and main room floors were cleaned the week before, and we try to de-clutter the main rooms as much as possible right before the extended family rings the bell, but beyond that, I just can't get it done.  And I am finally OK with that.  It only took about 16 years to realize I can't. And. Christmas. Still. Happens.

Okay.  There you have it!  If these are your traditions, I really do commend you.  It's not easy to give gifts to every person you know and love, send personal greetings and photo updates to everyone in your life, make your house exceptionally beautiful and cheery, bake every yummy cookie you'd like, prepare the feast of the year, host parties, and still remember the Reason we do it all.  May my confessions make your season brighter and a little less free of guilt. And may your children appreciate the traditions that you DO do!    Merry Christmas!!

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