It was "one of those days"--too long for a facebook post but not really worth blogging about. But I'm going to blog it anyway....
It started with a realization that time is running out to get my girl ready for college, that today was my last chance to do grocery shopping for camping, that we will be gone during high school registration, that my son still hasn't taken that test at the community college he needed for advanced history...or something like that, and that camping is just the day after my daughter gets her wisdom teeth out and THAT happens...tomorrow. Which brings us back to this morning when I realized I needed to go with her to the airport to drop off her friend Sarah, because Ikea is at the airport. Ikea! Nuff said about that. So here it is... advice from those who've left a child at the airport curb intending to pick them up again in a few minutes:
1) Make sure your children know your cell phone number for when they send you off to the cell phone waiting area at the airport.
2) Make sure they haven't left their cell phone in the car with you.
3)Make sure you don't listen to the radio in the cell phone waiting area just in case they call their own cell phone (because of #1) which is on vibrate.
4)Make sure your child knows that pay phones exist.
5)Make sure your child knows what to do when separated, because them WALKING to the cell phone area while you have driven back to the airport to have them paged? Just doesn't work out well.
6)If the dash board starts vibrating while trying to call your child, it really isn't a good sign. In fact, it's a bad sign. Check the tiny cubby underneath the dash. It will be the beginning of a nightmare.
7)Know what your child is wearing. Calling home to see if your younger children remember will lead to disappointment.
8)Know that when you page your child on the white courtesy phone, you are now stuck at the United ticket counter until they respond to your page. (Unless you finally get a call from your husband informing you that your child is waiting at the parking pay stations.)
9)Pray. And don't think too much about the news.
10) When you are finally reunited and the day is basically gone and you are both emotionally and physically drained, and you are very thirsty, and Starbucks is OUT OF LEMONADE for the shaken iced tea lemonades, don't sip your child's iced coffee. It is NOT satisfying and will only suck the moisture from your tongue and leave a horrible aftertaste and you will only regret it and further confirm that you will never,ever, ever be a coffee person.
So after all of that, we did do Ikea and really didn't care any more. You can't decide between yellow, gray or pink for your dorm room? Who cares? Just throw a little of each in the cart. It doesn't even matter.
And then, to shorten the fiasco, Ryan offered to do my Winco shopping. I gave him bits of my list at a time over the phone--loudly. I was in Target. He was in Winco saying "what?" and I was shouting random things like: "Little Smokies!" and "Macaroni!" in the towel aisle.
Then we finally met up at Costco and did THAT, and then I rode home with Ryan in his car. (Have I said how great my husband is? He is great! Because of him we got home an hour earlier with his help.) So we rode home in his hot Hyundai with the windows down, shouting our conversation over the rush of air and enjoying the beautiful sunset with our daughter following behind. Tomorrow, we will be up early for the wisdom teeth extraction and another adventure. I am wondering if back at PDX they are still paging her every fifteen minutes..... I guess we'll see in two weeks when I go back to pick up my Virginia family.
Kind of a rash judgment on the whole coffee thing. I mean, you were under a huge amount of stress to make a call like that! But I'm glad everyone survived!