
Friday, April 19, 2013

Life is hard. But God is good.

This week has been a horrific one for our nation.  In fact, historically this week and month has held more than its share of ugliness and carnage.  But even in the midst of our sin cursed world and the sorrow in it, God blesses and crowns us with mercy and good things.  Seventeen years ago today, in a little town in the middle of Texas, I watched TV in a hospital room as they covered the one year anniversary of the Oklahoma City tragedy.  I was in labor with my  firstborn while being reminded of the overwhelming sadness and tragedy in this world.     And then there she was, beautiful and perfect and tiny.  A 6 lb 4 oz gift from God with so much potential for good and a living display of His grace. A gift that has given us cheetahs, rodeos and dances in our living room, and has grown into helpfulness, encouragement, sweetness and music in our lives.   Happy Birthday to our daughter who will forever give this week laughter, joyous memories and reason to celebrate.